Thursday, May 20, 2010

Aidan's 2 year pictures

We had Aidan's 2 year pictures taken this week and even though she was all over the place they turned out great.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Spring Time

One good thing about it being so windy in Iowa is that we can fly a kite just about everyday:) Aidan loves to sit in Daddy's work van and pretend to drive Nick has a few days off so we decided to take Aidan to her 1st Cubs game...Since it is about a 5 hour drive and the game was at 1pm we decided we would leave the day before and spend the night outside of Chicago...we stayed in Rochelle, IL and let me tell you there is not a lot to do in Rochelle but we did manage to find an old train for Aidan to play on and we also managed to find a pretty good pizza place. We had a blast!! Enjoying Mom's blizzard Not only did she get to experience her 1st Cubs game she also got to experience her 1st Chicago cab ride She lasted about 4 innings and then was just beat so she took a little nap..I could hardly believe she fell asleep at the game. She was still tired when we got home from the trip Helping Daddy put blocks on her tricycle Grandma and Grandpa Segal got her Helping Daddy build Gradma and Grandpa Kohn's temporary Electrical for their new home