Friday, October 29, 2010

Aidan's Christmas Photos

Aidan had her picture taken last week for Christmas cards and I swore I wasn't going to buy anything extra except for the cards but of course they are sooo good and now I am faced with the tough decision of choosing which pictures I want.  Check them out

She gets more BEAUTIFUL everyday:)

Monday, October 18, 2010

I know I know I said I would be better at updating the blog but time has just gotten away from me....Well Summer is officially over and well Fall is about over too:( We had a great summer and managed to stay pretty busy. We have been enjoying all the beautiful Fall days and hoping this unseasonal weather continues:)

All Dressed up and ready for Reid's Birthday Party

Our Beautiful Aidan

Pondering life with her cousin Eoin

Park Time

Her Toddler Bed

"Hey everybody Look at Me"

Playing Yahtzee

She has just about mastered her Tricycle

The SEP Homecoming Parade with her friend Rylee

Pumpkin Patch

Her new Doll/Barbie Bed...the day we gave it to her she had to have it in her bed with her when she went to sleep:)

I had to add this because Aidan actually stood there and smiled when we told her to say cheese:)