Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome Grayson Dean William Segal

After much anticipation for our son he finally arrived on July 19th at 1:08pm.  He was being a stinker and decided to flip days before his due date so I was scheduled for a c-section on the 19th.  We called Grandma and Grandpa Kohn and let them know they needed to pack their bags because their newest grandson was due to make his arrival the next day:)  We were scheduled for 11am so we had to be at the hospital by 8am but liek many things in life there were some delays and we didn't even go into the surgery room until 12:45pm. It went really quick and was so happy when we heard Grayson's 1st cry.  He was absolutly PERFECT.  He weighed in at 8lbs 9oz and 20 inches long.  Aidan still holds the record in the family (including her 3 cousins Eoin Liam and Sadie) for the largest baby:)  After speding 3 LONG days in the hospital we were finally able to take head home.  Once we got home Aidan was such a HUGE help.  She Loves being a Big Sister and couldn't be more proud.  Here are some pictures from the 1st week or so of our little guys life:)
 So ready to meet Grayson
 Excited to meet her new brother

 Proud Daddy
 Our Big Boy

 Instant LOVE

 Ready to go home
 Proud Big Sister

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